Well ive decided to kick off this blog with a portrait section. i love taking pics of people they tend to make the best subjects. the trick being to catch em when they are unaware. poseing is rubbish. interesting light..interesting colours and a dodgy expression. You ll notice that a lot of them are of my friend Alex. He is one of few of my friends who likes haveing their picture taken.
Durham by the sea - Alex a close friend. i didnt know how to edit out the red eye so its pretty obvious hes paraletic.
This is just a random woman who i met on a photography workshop. i really like her smile. its really subtle. I really like the lighting too. but thats what you get for useing high quality equipment.
This was just some girl at a party. nice medium format photo.
This dude is always around brighton. Sporting kicking flamed prints and white gloves. a through back from the early 80s rave scene? too much halucanagenics...or however you spell it.
My ex Ruth and me. Snake eyes..
Emma. Awesomely talented photo friend.
Alex. At Pride....in pink
Natasha. Taken on a nikon F3 1980s studio camera.
Dave .Just before the last world cup. Taken on a neat little TLR i got.
Matt. shame i didnt use low enough F stop. his right shoulder is out of focus.
This is just a handful really of some of my portraits. ive tried to mix it up with digital and analogue. A lot of what i do is in digital at the moment but mainly because of my need to do this as a career. Commerical value and all that. My aim is to add specific projects to further posts. Comment away and watch out for more posts.